Sunday, May 30, 2010

21/05/2010-28/05/2010 Change is inevitable 一切都在改变

当我和May姐还在台北云仙山庄上课、读书时,这边厢大家在团练,还在计划着来接我们机,真是一场惊喜。很感激欣薇漂亮的花,也感激赶着来接机的干娘莱茵、如意和柳平。我竟然当一个Sri Sri Yoga 储备老师。







While May and I are still having lessons and studying for 'exams', during group practice here plans were hatched to come and meet us at the airport. It was such a surprise! Really appreciate the beautiful flowers for us, Shin Wei. We also appreciate Ju Gee and Liu Peng for coming to meet us upon our return. Still so unbelievable I am a Sri Sri Yoga teacher-in-training :P

Lay Choon left for vacation on the night we came back from Taiwan. We never had the chance to meet up before then.

We have found a new location for our new centre. If everything goes as plan, soon we shall have a more spacious centre to accommodate us. We are moving very soon!

Tonight's Satsang was exceptionally great! Other than the usual Bhajans, we also sang lots of Chinese folk songs. Some time ago, if too many Chinese folk songs were sang during Satsangs, I felt a sense of irritation as I felt that it was so difficult to keep up with the verses and the sense of togetherness was lost. But tonight, irregardless of whether I know the songs, I sang with all my heart, accepting and going with the flow of the situation, instead of letting the situation influence my emotions. Our 10-member satsang team today was one that I appreciate and enjoy most at that perfect moment. Bravo, my dear friends!

Last 2 weeks was spent at the SSY TTC in Taiwan,next week I shall be leaving for Germany. I leave my responsibilities to Carmen. She knows this blog is my baby, and I really appreciate her constant updates and research to add the spice that has been long awaited in this space! I still need to trouble you for the days to come!

Change is inevitable.  Only truth remains unchanged.

1 comment:

  1. welcome HOME!
    tell us more about your journey to Taiwan! the Yoga guru looks so Kewl!

    i didn't manage to go to air port to welcome you and May coz' my company was having a product launching on Wednesday!

    and thursday till sitting! :-)

    Anyway. see you around!
