Wednesday, June 27, 2012

《捶门》~ 一步一脚印




有人曾问道:‘我为什么要做瑜伽?’他们获得的答案是:‘Ayam dukkah mana gatum,’意思是说避免日后会出现的悲伤, 切断痛苦根源。 这就是瑜伽的目的, 可分以下三方面来说。

首先,身体藉着哈达瑜伽净化。当身体紧张时可做瑜伽体位法,透过体位法可保持身体健康,否则不健康的身体将会带来麻烦。 由于哈达瑜伽可除去我们体内的毒素, 许多疾病可避免。


你说的话会得罪别人,你说话时不知道这些话听在别人耳里会产生什么结果。你说的都是空话。 我们的痛苦几乎有九成是空话引起。 别人的话进入你耳中,脑子就开始沸腾。因此我们说的话有太多是不经大脑的。 沉默能净化我们的语言,少说一点话,说话时多点觉知。你所用的每一个字都要得当。



Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day to the Male Species Past, Present and Future

ZY's note: In celebration of Father's Day this year, this is a story of a great man and the great (and not so great) times we had together.

 ‘Kung kung, you can make the best cup of Milo in the world,’ I cooed to my grandfather. He always smiled with pride as he heard this. I knew I made him happy, because whenever he knew I was coming, there would be a cup of hot Milo waiting for me when I arrived at the house.

I was not saying it to please my grandfather though, because it really was nice. He knew I was sincere because I usually ate 10 whole pieces of the Jacob’s biscuits to go with the Milo. The expression on my face showed how much I enjoyed the cup of Milo specially made for me by my grandfather.

There were also two of my favourite dishes which I would always remember. One was the soy sauce chicken with the sauce just dark and thick creamy enough and the other was the long beans fried rice. I loved to stand beside him and looked up at him stirring the food on the stove, even though I was too short to see what was happening on the stove, I could tell from the delicious smell wafting from the pan.

My grandfather was a short and stout man, who spent most of his time tending to his plants, fish, birds, or whatever animals that happened to come by for a visit. Once there was a green frog that took to the plank on the pool for his Japanese coy, and took temporary residence there. He always came back to hang out even after venturing out for some adventure or hunt for food. He was in a shade of bright green with red eyes. I loved to creep out slowly into the backyard to take a peep at him, hoping that he would find a partner and bring her home some day.

 Just like the animals, I loved to hang out at my grandfather’s house those days. It was like National Geographic right at the backyard of the house.

‘When I was still working at the shop during the first few years after I came down from China, there was a bird,’ he told me.

‘It would wait for me on the roof at the back of the shop and when I came out from the shop, the bird would fly down and perch on my shoulder to greet me. But it would not go near any of the other shop assistants. It would only answer to me. It totally ignored the others at the shop,’ he said proudly.

My grandfather was born in China. He had a twin brother. According to my grandmother, when my great-grandmother was giving birth, she never knew that she was having twins. When she delivered my grandfather, she felt that there was still something inside her belly, and then out came my grandfather’s twin brother after a few minutes.

‘Is he your identical twin brother? What happened to him? Is he still in China?’ I bombarded my grandfather.

‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘He died of an illness when he was 6 years old.’

My grandfather had magical hands. The animals loved him, so do the plants. Rows of bonsai trees were nurtured by him personally into beautiful shapes and sizes. Even the pots were personally hand-made from scratch. I had never seen him taken any pottery lessons of learned under any master, he just produced each and every one of them like magic. There were a couple of square pots embedded with rows and rows of 1 cent coins. Talk about creativity and originality. At that time, I never knew how to describe the feeling when I was admiring the pots and the well-tended plants on his front lawn, but now I know. I was bursting with pride.

After my grandmother passed away, he had no choice but to come and stay with us.  He did so quite reluctantly, and I didn’t blame him. How could any other place be better than his own home where he could do anything just as he liked?

But we had no choice either, as he kept seeing more and more animals.

‘Hey, look!’ he called to me with an excited glint in his eyes. ‘There is a tortoise under the trolley,’ he pointed to the well polished granite floor in our dining room.

‘No,’ I said, ‘There is nothing there.’

‘Yes,’ he said with conviction. ‘Can’t you see it? There is another one crawling out, and another one!’ he looked quizzically at me as I did not say anything. I could see question marks in his eyes.

It was heart wrenching to see my grandfather deteriorating each day, affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

I would always remember the image of my grandfather standing outside the bathroom in his white underwear while waiting for my mom to give him instructions to go into the bath, to wash his head, to rub his body with soap as he lost his ability to take a clean bath independently.

There were also a couple of nights when he woke the whole family up saying that he was going to go home, and proceeded to venture out at 3 a.m. in the morning. After walking up and down the street with my father by his side, he finally came back ‘home’ satisfied.

My mother took an early retirement to take care of my grandfather. But he passed away just 6 months after that. He was in his eighties.

Words 言语(45)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始,古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

18/4/1996 Bali Cliff Resort (Bali, Indonesia) 印尼巴厘岛
We attach meaning to words, and we distort them, too. For example, the word brainwashing. Your brain, like your body, needs washing sometimes. You don't want to walk around with a dirty brain, a dirty mind. What is wrong with the word brainwashing? It indicates a clean brain, a clean mind. But it is used in a derogatory manner.
And the word disillusioned. It is good when you become disillusioned. It is good when you become disillusioned. You are out of the illusion and have come to reality.
And purana. It means that which is new in the town, the most modern. But today it wonveys the sense of being very old.
Meanings of words change in the course of time. The word enthused comes from the Greek which means God is with us. Then enthused came to mean crazy, and today the whole meaning of the word has changed again.
Don't be stuck with words. Your worries are words. Your ideas are words. Wisdom is beyond words. It is your very Being, the essence of all words. See and relate beyond words. Then there is no lie in your life.
If you manipulate words, it is a lie;
If you play on words, it is a joke;
If you rely on words, it is ignorance;
If you transcend words, it is wisdom.
我们为言语附加意义,并曲解言语。例如,「洗脑」(brainwashing)这个字。就像你的身体,脑子有时需要清洗。你不会想要带着肮脏的脑子和肮脏的心到处走动。 「洗脑」这个字有什么不对呢?它意指洁净的脑子和洁净的心,但却被侮蔑地运用着。
言语的意义随着时间改变了。 「狂热」(enthused)一字源于希腊,意指上帝与我们同在。后来,它却变成疯狂的意思,到今天它整个意义又变了。