Monday, August 22, 2011

Divine Is All Celebration 神是完全的庆祝 (29)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始, 古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让 我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几 本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

27/12/1995 Weggis, Switzerland 瑞士 威奇丝

A poor man celebrates the new year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment.

How rich are you? Do you celebrate once a year? Once a month? Every day? If you celebrate every moment you are the Lord of Creation.

Review the year while you celebrate. This is your homework. What did you do? What did you achieve? How useful were you this past year?

Sit for an hour and think about every week, one minute per week, and see the year's growth in less than an hour. With a flower, on New Year's Day, offer the whole year to the Divine.


During Satsang, Guruji opened a small, nicely-wrapped present - a tiny bottle of jasmine perfume. He twisted off the cap and sniffed the lovely fragrance. He poured a small amount on some paper and waved it in the air, wafting the scent to all corners of the hall. Everyone could then enjoy it.
Guruji explained that it is not enough simply to have the fragrance. We have to know how to spread it. Flowers have the fragrance, but it is the wind that comes and spreads it. In the same way, each one of us is wonderful within -- we are beautiful, caring, and loving. But we do not know how to spread the fragrance.

Satsang is that wind that spreads this fragrance to everyone.

(This week's knowledge sheet is specially dedicated to teacher Hwa Seng, the wind beneath my wings.)








My testimonial 我的见证

Life before and after taking the Art of Living Breathing Course
Before 之前

After 之后

  • I was stressed. 我有压力。
  • My heart was weak. 我心脏很弱。
  • I was a menace. 我是一个威胁。
  • I was a lonesome bachelor. 我是孤独单身汉。
  • I was a dog trying to imitate the Darth Vader. 我是一只想尝试模仿黑武士的狗。
  • I pant and become breathless easily. 我好容易气喘、上气不接下气。
  • I was a dog. 我是只狗。
  •  I am relaxed. 我放轻松。
  • My heart is became strong. 我心脏强化。
  • I am now cute. 我现在好可爱。
  • Girls love me! 女生都爱我!
  • I am now my natural self. 我是原本自然的我。 
  • I take long deep breaths. 我的呼吸深长且缓慢。
  • I am still a dog, that maximizes my full potential. 我是一只充分利用我潜质的狗。


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Washing Machine 洗衣机 (28)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始, 古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让 我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几 本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

21/12/1995 Gyanmandir Bangalore, India 印度班格罗吉亚玛地雅
Our Body is like a washing machine. Our Mind is like cloth. Love is like pure water. Knowledge is detergent. Each life-time is one wash cycle.

The mind comes into the body to get cleansed and pure. But if you put mud instead of detergent, your clothes become dirtier than before. Your will have to go on putting your clothes in the washing machine to get them cleaned. And the process repeats again and again.

Similarly, you will have many more births until you stop repeating the mistakes that you have made.









Friday, August 12, 2011

I sing because I am happy

Satsangs-where we sing because we are happy

DSN course at Art of Living Alor Setar Centre 27/5/2011-30/5/2011
A man was walking along the road to Damascus. He recalled his lost love and his soul grieved.

“Pity on those who know love,” he thought. “They will never be happy, with the fear of losing the one they love.”

At that moment he heard a nightingale sing.

- Why do you act like that? – the man asked the nightingale. – Don’t you see that my beloved, who loved your song so much, is no longer here by my side?

- I sing because I am happy – answered the nightingale.

- Haven’t you ever lost someone? – the man insisted.

- Many times – answered the nightingale. – But my love still remains all the same.

And the man went on his way feeling more hopeful.

Story taken from Paulo Coelho's Blog

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Overcoming Events 克服事件(27)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始, 古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让 我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几 本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

14/12/1995 Bangalore Ashram, India 印度班格罗静修所
All the problems that you face in life are because you attach overimportance to events. The events grow bigger while you remain smaller.

Say, for example, you are riding a motorbike on a busy street and in front of you another vehicle is emitting exhaust fumes. Your have three options:

1. You can complain, somehow bear with it, and still follow the vehicle.
2. You can slow down or wait for some time to allow the vehicle to move far away from you.
3. You can use your skill, overtake the vehicle, and forget about it.

As in the first case, most of you stick on the events and are miserable, like inhaling fumes throughout your journey.

In the second case, you don't get permanent relief, because another bigger vehicle might come in front of you. Running away from events is not the permanent solution.

Wise people use their skill to surmount the event. If the vehicle is in perfect condition, the skill is effective.

Conditioning the vehicle is sadhana-practice. And skill is the grace of the Guru.

The mistakes you have made in the past have made you humble; you need not make mistakes in the future to become humble.


1. 你可以抱怨,但仍设法忍耐,并继续跟在后面。

2. 你可以慢下来或等些时间,直到那辆车离你远去。

3. 你可以技巧地超越那车,并将之抛诸脑后。







Monday, August 1, 2011

The Bhagavad Gita online 薄伽梵歌网页

Guruji encourages us to read the Gita, but stocks are limited.  The Bhagavad Gita Chinese version is even harder to get. Furthermore, $$ is also an issue...

Fear no more, great things are meant to be shared; especially for those who appreciates this ancient knowledge.  This Bhagavad Gita website has it in different languages. Yes! Even in Chinese!

The website attracted me in the first place because I get to follow the recordings and chant the shlokas! Happy reading!

Go to the Bhagavad-Gita website





All are searching for sweets;the One who finds them gives them away 人人在寻找糖果;找到的那位将之给出(26)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始, 古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让 我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几 本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

7/12/1995 Bangalore Ashram, India 印度班格罗静修所

SRI Sri was on the porch with a group of people.

He sent Kashi to get the sweets from inside the *kutir, but Kashi returned saying he could not find them. He went again and again, three times, and still he could not find them. Then Sri Sri himself went in. He came out with the sweets and gave them to everyone.

This is exactly what happens in life. Many want sweetness in life. Some are searching hard, but only one finds. And when that one finds, he gives to everyone.

Everyone is "blissed in", and some are "blissed out", too!

*a cottage or bungalow


