Sunday, May 9, 2010


The highlight of our event this week was our multiple celebration on Saturday 08/05/2010 (Guruji's Birthday, Mother's Day, and farewell party).
The evening started with Guru Pooja.  Thereafter, there were sooooo many variety of good food brought by everybody, the evening naturally carried on with non-stop eating.

Satsang was in chaos, with every instrument available being held by small kids and the event was a cacophony of 'ching, chang, and cheang!!' Even my guitar was unusually out of sync, and my singing sounded more or less like  a croaking frog...But nevertheless, the mood and events that unfolded were just like the 'multiple celebration' theme by being 'multiple' with some Bhajans, Guruji's knowledge, meditation, singing of Birthday songs and of course, how can we miss out on the dance!
Just when I thought the evening was going to end with 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol', it took an interesting turn of events when some of us started a human train, one after another started joining and suddenly, we began dancing to a mix of Taiwan folk song and Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol until we were red in the face and intoxicated.

The evening ended with everyone closing our eyes to make a wish, with Teacher's blessings. I was so elated with the dancing and singing (and lost my voice in the process) that when I closed my eyes, there was just this feeling of perfection, and it dawned on me that this evening, the true purpose of Satsang was achieved-to be in touch with the inner being.



正当我以为节目在老师‘Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol’即将结束时,发生了预料不到的转变。我们组织了越来越长的火车队,老师开始唱高山青,大家忘我的在跳舞跳得面红耳赤,那么的陶醉。


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