Friday, May 28, 2010

Taiwan SSY TTC 14/5/2010 - 25/5/2010 course experience 台湾瑜珈师资训练课程经验分享

No matter how much fun we have outside in this world, there is no place like home. Yes, that's right! Krishanji brought us back home to ourselves during our Sri Sri Yoga TTC in Taipei, Taiwan! So first things first, let us meet our great Krishanji...
无论外面的世界有多精彩,回家始终是最好的。唔,是的!我们在台湾台北Sri Sri Yoga TTC的老师Krishanji在课程里引领我们回家!所以,让我们见识见识我们亲爱的Krishanji...

It's just amazing how much Krishanji resembles our dear teacher, Hwa Seng, isn't it? Well, I can't believe it either.
I cannot explain the uncanny resemblance of both teachers. Maybe...just maybe it's because of their constant and diligent practice of a type of pranayam called the Kapala Bhati, meaning 'shining skull - refined intellect and alertness'. 
我无法解释为什么这两位伟大的恩师长得那么的相似,也许他们都做了好多一种呼吸法练习,叫做Kapala Bhati,意思是‘发亮的头颅 - 意味着精湛的理智与灵敏’。

There are 205 participants from 9 countries around the world participating in this Sri Sri Yoga course.  It was a whole new experience and the Yoga sequence that we do are just so amazing that it brought us really deep into ourselves and increase our energy!

Yooooo! What's this serious talk about energy after coming back from this course? It's simple.  I have never understood the talk about energy going up and down and around my body.  But Krishanji managed to answer the issue about energy that had been bugging me for such a long time in just a sentence:
'Are you feeling happy right now? ('Yes') Then your Prana (energy) is high.'

A man of a few words, Krishanji managed to explain the wisdom of the ancient scriptures in just a few words simply but profoundly.  Similarly, he managed to bring us into the correct Yoga postures and make us understand the techniques so simply, I feel like a true Yogi after the course.

One of his parting words at the end of the course were:
'Remember you are useful.  No matter what anybody says or thinks about you, always remember that you are useful...' 

I shall take this to heart. 

May with our dearest Krishanji.  May姐和我们亲爱的Krishanji.

Last but not least, here is the good news!  Our very own Malaysian AOL team will be organising Sri Sri Yoga TTC in Malaysia tentatively on December 11 to December 25 2010!

So mark it down in your diary, we shall provide further details in due course!



‘你现在快乐吗?('是的') 那你的能量是高的。’





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