Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blame and Misery 责怪与痛苦 (42)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!

注:从 1995年开始,古儒吉开始每一个星期寄出他称为‘智慧传真’的智慧语录以供在世界各地举行的唱场阅读与分享。大师在2002年9月,也就是第365周结束了这个做法,让我们好好的消化和实践这些智慧。这些智慧语录已收录为7本书:古儒吉大师智慧语录(1-7集)。我开始每个星期刊登一篇智慧语录,以供还没有机会买到这几本宝贵的书籍的学员分享。不断阅读这些智慧语录让我得益不浅。所以我知道其他人也会有很大的收获。

3/4/1996 Bengalore Ashram, India 印度班格罗静心所

When a worldly man is miserable, he blames the people around him, the system, and the world in general.

When a seeker is miserable, he blames not only the world-he also blames the Path, the Knowledge and himself.

It is better not to be a seeker so that you blame less. But then, a seeker (sadhak) also enjoys everything much more. There is more love in life and more pain. When there is more joy, the contrast is greater.

A certain maturity is needed to see things as they are and not to blame the Path, the Self, or the world.

If one jumps across this chasm of blame and misery, then there is no fall. It is like a quantum leap.

The Divine does not test you. Testing is part of ignorance. Who is it that will put something to a test? Only one who does not know something. God knows your capacity, so why should He have to test you?

Then, why is there misery? It is for titiksha, forbearance in you. And forbearance can be increased by prayerful surrender-and by things that vigorously challenge your patience! (laughter)








那么,为什么有痛苦呢?那是为了你的忍耐力(titiksha)。忍耐力可借着虔诚的臣服及对耐力强烈的挑战事物来增加! (笑声)

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