Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Holiday Fiesta 假日特备节目

Dear friends! In conjunction with the school holidays, we have arranged lots of interesting programmes for everyone.  We hope we can celebrate this holidays together in a meaningful and enriching way! Mark your diaries, folks!


Holiday Programmes 假期时间表:

1. 02/09/2010(Thursday 星期四) 8.00pm, 03/09/2010 (Friday 星期五)10.30am
   Breathing and Health Talk 呼吸及健康工作坊
2. 04/09/2010
    Satsang and long kriya

3. 05/09/2010 - 10/09/2010
    Part I Basic Course 初级课程

4. 11/09/2010 - 13/09/2010
    YES Course for Teens 青少年课程
    Venue 地点:Sin Min (Private) Secondary School 新民独中

5. 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23/09/2010
    Sri Sri Yoga 瑜伽速成班

Venue of the above programmes are at our Alor Setar Art of Living Centre unless otherwise specified.

Fire 火 (7)

Montreal Ashram, (Ontario) Canada 加拿大蒙特娄静心所

The senses are like fire.  Whatever you put into your senses burn in this fire.

A fire of toxic material creates pollution and bad smell.  But if you burn sandalwood, it creates fragrance.

The same fire that supports life can also destroy.  A fire can heat your home or burn it down.  Celebration happens around a bonfire. Grief happens around the fire of cremation. A burning tyre creates toxic fumes. A ghee lamp lights your way and purifies the surroundings.

Does your fire create smoke and pollution - or are you like a camphor flame that creates light and fragrance? A saint creates light and the fragrance of love.  He is the friend of life.

A fire that creates light and warmth is of high quality.  A fire that creates light and a little smoke is of medium quality.  The fire that creates smoke and darkness is of low quality.  Learn to distinguish these different fires.

When your senses are engaged in goodness, then you will create light and fragrance;
When engaged in impurity, you create smoke and darkness.

It is sanyama that transforms the quality of fire in you.  Next week we will discuss sanyama.









Monday, August 23, 2010

Announcements 报告

1. Our next public health talk is as follows 我们接下来的呼吸与健康讲座资料如下:

Date 日期: 03/09/2010 (Friday)

Time 时间: 10.30am

Venue 地点: Alor Setar Art of Living Centre

2. Members please take note 团员请注意:

Due to the large number of participants for the Basic Course on 05/09/2010, we would be holding our group practice on 04/09/2010 (Saturday), 7.30pm for our existing members. 


15/08/2010 - 21/08/2010

15/08/2010 - 19/08/2010, 44 members from our Alor Setar Art of Living Centre were enjoying ourselves in the Advanced Course in the presence of Guruji at the Bayview Resort, Batu Feringghi.  Our centre photographers Shin Wei and Ju Gee shared loads of wonderful photos at the Advanced Meditation Course in Facebook. 

The next day right after the course, on 20/08/2010 (Fri) 10.30am, our volunteers at the Alor Setar centre held free public talk about breathing and health. 

15/08/2010 - 19/08/2010, 亚罗士打中心44为团员到槟城参加大师临在的高级课程。我们中心两位热爱照相的义工欣薇和如意拍了很多照片,在面子书上和大家一起分享。

课程完毕的第二天,20/08/2010 星期五早上10.30am,充满能量及热忱的义工们就在中心举办一场免费的呼吸及健康讲座。

During our Satsang, we have the privilege of the presence of Mr. Murali, a teacher from Bangalore, to join us and to share some of his experience with us. 


Saturday, August 21, 2010

School Service Project 学校服务计划 2010

16/05/2010 - 佩实小学
30/06/2010 - 养正小学
12/07/2010 - 平民小学
18/07/2010 - 益民小学
01/09/2010 - 新民独中
24/09/2010 - 吉华国中华乐团
24&25/10/2010 - 吉华国中中三生


The School Service Project by the Art of Living is a volunteer project specially held for teachers and students.  Through simple exercises, breathing techniques and interactive games, which could reduce stress and to improve concentration and memory is the best way to nurture our future generation!

Teachers doing some simple massage exercises 老师们做着简单按摩运动

Students playing interactive games 小学生在玩互动游戏

Secondary school students doing some physical exercises 中学生做着简单的运动

If you are interested for your school join our school service project, please contact us for further details.

Doubt 疑惑 (6)

Note: Every week from 1995, Guruji started sending out knowledge sheets which he fondly called the 'Knowledge Fax' to be read out and discussed at Satsangs happening all around the world. Guruji ended this delightful practice at the 365th week in September 2002, so as to let us fully digest them! These knowledge sheets have been compiled into An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker Volumes 1-7. I began the practice of posting a Knowledge Sheet every week for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to get hold of these priceless books. It had never cease to uplift me by reading and rereading this knowledge. So I know you would certainly enjoy them!


20/07/1995 Montreal Ashram, Canada 加拿大蒙特娄静心所
A doubt is a gray area. Gray is something which is neither white nor black. Now, how to solve the doubt?

Accept the doubt as either black or white.

See your doubt as white and there is no doubt.  See the doubt as black and accept it.  Either way, you accept it and move on.

See someone as either honest or dishonest and accept him.  Then your mind is quiet.  Then you are not in the gray area of doubt.  Have conviction:"He is dishonest and yet he is still part of me.  I accept him as he is." That's it.  Finished.

Doubt is an unstable state with the footing neither on this shore nor that shore.  From there tension arises.  One way or the other, take a direction and regain your footing.

Have you noticed that you usually doubt only the things that are positive in your life? Negative things you don't doubt.  You doubt a person's honesty, and you believe in his dishonesty.  When someone is angry with you, you have no doubt about his anger.  But when someone says he loves you, a doubt creeps in: Does he really love me? When you are depressed, do you ever think Am I really depressed? No, you take your depression as a fact.  Yet when you are happy, you doubt: Am I really happy; is this really what I wanted? You doubt that you are capable, but do you ever doubt that you are incapable?

See this tendency to doubt the positive things in your life. 
Put doubt in its proper place and doubt the doubts.
Doubt the negative and put your trust more in the positive.








Guruji in person...大师的亲临。。。

I wrote and re-wrote this post, trying to identify that perfect description for every session with our beloved Guruji, but alas words failed me...

The smile of an angel 天使的微笑

Mischievious Guruji and the flying cake 顽皮的大师与会飞的蛋糕

Child-like innocence 天真无邪的大师

Absolutely at ease in every situation 每一个情况都悠然自在

Reposing in himself 与自己在一起
Photos taken by Ong Shin Wei 照片由王欣薇提供

So how does such a busy man be able to hear my prayers when he has so many other obligations to fulfil and so many other prayers to answer?

During the third day in silence, I was standing at the beach gazing at the sea, a safe distance away from the waves, keeping my feet dry, wondering about a personal question and out of the blue, I decided to 'ask' Guruji.

'...so if the answer is yes, Guruji, please make the waves come further inside and lap at my feet,' I prayed.

After a few moments, I stared dumbfounded as one particular wave came up to me and the warm water surrounded my feet for a few seconds before backing into the ocean. 

Feeling astounded, I kept standing at the same spot for the next 10 minutes, but the waves remained a safe distance away from my feet and not one came up thereafter.

As they say, Guruji never disappoints.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guruji to give talk on Health and Love.

古儒吉大师 周游各国宣扬“活着就要快乐”

古儒吉大师 周游各国宣扬“活着就要快乐”
http://www.kwongwah.com.my/ui/icons/fff_mini/icon_clock.gif二零一零年八月八日 上午十一时四十七分

诗丽诗丽若威香卡(Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,一般被称为古儒吉大师),虽然不是宗教领袖,却在全球拥有数以千万计的追随者,拥有如同世界上最伟大的宗教领袖一般的圣者崇高地位。古儒吉虽然一生充满了传奇,但是他感动世界的哲理和信念,却有如呼吸一样平常得经常被人所忽视,却对每一个跳动的生命,都那么弥足珍贵。他的人活着就是要快的理念,更让许许多多为生活奔波而迷失方向者,唤回人性最根本的追求。
这位来自印度的大师于1982创办的国际生活的艺术基金会,在马来西亚也结出了丰硕的果实,通过马来西亚生活艺术中心推广的净化呼吸法Sudarshan Kriya),也让许许多多的学习者获得纾解压力,调节情绪的简易且有效的良方。
古儒吉被尊为印度伟大灵性上师,曾受印度前总理拉吉夫甘地颁予瑜珈至高无上荣誉,一生通过全布在全世界的生活艺术基金会、人类价值国际协会,至少在全球90个国家推动的教育与慈善计划,他深信,爱转动世界——喜悦就是活在当下。如果你充分活在当下,明白自有照料; 如果你现在快乐,过去将不会折腾你,这就是生活的艺术。
古儒吉和他创立于1997年的国际人性价值协会(IAHV)曾在阿富汗、波西尼亚、印度古遮拉(Gujarat)省发生天灾人祸时施予援手,在美国纽约的 911恐怖事件,以及2004发生在南亚大海啸灾难,他们的身影也没有缺席。

诗丽诗丽若威香卡,1956年生於南印度班格 (Bangalore),幼年时期即时常处於深度静心中,4岁便能背诵薄迦梵歌(Bhagavad Gita让父母惊讶异常。17岁取得现代科学的高等学位,并精通印度传统的吠陀科学,後又获颁印度Kuvempu大学荣誉博士学位。2006年,斯里兰卡国际公开大学辅助医学院授与他整体医学哲学博士学位
1997年再创立类价值国际协会,促进全世界人类价值发展为目标,也在世界各大国际灾难中推动协助更生的计划。国际生活的艺术基金会与人类价值国际协会在全球展开“5H计划,即:健康(Health)、住屋(Homes)、卫生(Hygiene)、人性价值(Human Values) 、与异中求同(Harmony Amidst Diversity),做为改变社会的整体可持续的长远解决方案。
5H计划在印度最贫穷的社区村落施行得很成功。它成功的塑造了负责任,热忱参与,同时具有自尊的个人能够自力更生、繁荣、和谐的社区。目前这个计划已经跨出了印度,以在印度发展出来的模式实施在其他国家例如,波兰、拉丁美洲、美国、南非、肯亚、科索沃、伊朗、 伊拉克、 印尼及斯里兰卡等国家。
古儒吉的著作有:《新世纪意识的觉醒》(Wisdom for The New Milliennium)、《阿虚塔瓦卡拉之歌》(Ashtavakra Gita)、《爱的金玉良言》(Bhakti Sutra)、《瑜伽经》 (Yoga Sutra)、等等

2005年:印度Dara Shikoh新德里国家和谐奖
2004年:印度新德里Bharat Shiromani奖瑞典知名电视台特别製作采访的专辑,誉其与达赖喇嘛同列为世界三大智者之一

免费换票 与古儒吉大师共享智慧与喜悦







One FM - on Guruji's public talks.

Dear Ones,

there are info about Guruji's talk at One FM website.

Welcome home Zheng Yi!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

another MAN who can cook !!!

Dear Ones,

hey, ladies and women ....looks like our  "sacred" space in our house has been conquer by MAN. 
found another "MAN" who can cook. 
Looks like we all will have big tummy soon . 
( so warning... not to eat too much after 8pm ) 

Jai Guru Dev.

Monday, August 9, 2010

GURUJI is coming to TOWN! count down 4- days!

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
GURUJI is coming to town!

He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
GURUJI is coming to town !

He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
GURUJI is coming to town !
GURUJI is coming to town!

Free ticket and Free Buses to meet GURUJI for Alor Setarian

Dear Ones,

Last night in Group Practice, teacher Hwa Seng informed that the response to the Guruji's talk at Pisa Penang from alor setar is not very good. One of the reason is that the next day ( sunday ) is working day for most of the people including teachers will be working and  students as well. 

However, this is a golden opportunity that might just happen once in your lifetime to meet Guruji in Penang. otherwise you got to book ticket and fly to India or other country to meet the Master. 

so in calculation of time and money........this is a chance not to be missed though it require some short traveling.
so, a few of the members including teacher will donate some funds for the bus fare and tickets to encourage more people to be with Guruji. This open to all including inviting our indian freinds and associations members. 

 so, let's spread out to those around you. the uncle , aunty, ah yee . ah pek, ah soh, ah gu....everyone that you meet, INVITE them to join us! let's make the BUS full house! 

One may ask, what is the purpose to meet the enlightened Guru / master ? 

in one of the Guruji response at Bangalore ashram, Jan. 15, stated :

Sri Sri : ...." What is enlightenment? Being unconditionally happy. Everyone wants love that doesn’t get distorted. Love gets distorted as hatred, fear, jealousy and other imperfections. Enlightenment is having such a love.
There are two steps to enlightenment:
  1. From being somebody to being nobody.
  2. From being nobody to being everybody.
And how to be nobody? Just wake up and realize that this is a vast universe. What are you in this? Who are you in this? You may be a great businessman or scientist or doctor but how long will you be there on this planet? In 70 – 100 years you will go and the earth will continue to exist. It has been there from billions of years and it will continue to be there. Who are you? Where are you with respect to this magnanimous universe?
From being nobody to be a part of everybody." .....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 星期二,2010年8月3日

`Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step' 


France Val de Consolation

28 July 2010

First, have confidence in yourself that only good will happen to you. Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step. So, this confidence that ‘Only good can happen to me’. And then opposite values are complimentary! So, if you seem to have some loss now, it is only for some bigger profit, some good will happen. So, first is to have this definite intention, definite confirmation. 

首先,对自己有信心,只有良好的意愿发生在你身上。一旦你来在这条道路,要知道,只有好事会发生在你的每一步。 .所以,信心,'只发生在我身上可以很好'。 对立的价值是互相补助的! 所以,如果你好像现在有一些损失,但只适用于一些较大的利润,一些好事发生。 .因此,首先是有这个明确的意图,明确的确认 .

Second is to know that there are good people on the planet, very kind and compassionate people, and people will help us whenever we are in need. The world will help us when we need it. There are very few bad people. Even bad people are bad only from outside. From inside, they also have some good thing. Someone who is 100 percent bad does not exist on the planet. 

二是要知道有好的人在这个星球上 ,非常亲切和富有同情心的人,人们会帮助我们,每当我们需要在。 .世界将帮助我们,当我们需要它。 有极少数坏人。 坏人,即使是只从外部坏。 从内部,他们也有一些好东西。有人谁是百分之百的坏并不存在于地球上。

“So, everybody has some good thing and how we 
enhance that goodness, is our place of work. 
That is what we are born to work at.

是我们工作的地方。 这是我们出生的工作。
'People are good! The world is good! Good people are here! And when I need, they will help me'. There will be no insecurity in life with this conviction. 

'人民是好! 世界是好! 善良的人们在这里! 当我需要,他们会帮助我。不会有任何不安全的人生信念与此有关。

Thirdly, there is a universal power that is inside of me, outside of me, and everywhere in the universe. That power is responsible for everything in the universe. All the diverse creation is because of this power and that power cares for me. Some people call it God, some call it something else. But it does not matter what one calls it. There is a power, there is a spirit. That is so compassionate, and it is with you and will help you. It is also helping you now. See, when you were a child, when you could not even wipe your nose, when you could not even stand up, didn’t nature take care of you? (Affirmative, 'Yes,' from the audience.) And when you get old, you need someone to help you. Right? Somebody will take care of your needs. So, when you were very young, someone took care of you, and someone will definitely take care of you when you will be very old. So, who is putting this thought in that someone’s mind to take care of you? That is the power. So, you have always been taken care of? 

第三,有一种普遍的力量,是我的内部,外部的我,无处不在的宇宙。 这种权力是宇宙中的一切负责。 所有的各种创作,是因为这个权力,我关心的权力。 有些人称之为上帝 ,有人说是别的东西。 但它并不重要一调用它。 有一种力量,有一种精神。 之所以如此,是富有同情心,并且它与你的是,将帮助你。 你看,当你还是个孩子,当你甚至不能擦鼻子,当你甚至不能站起来,并没有本质照顾你?(肯定,'是的,'从观众。)当你变老,你需要有人来帮助你。 对吗? 有人会照顾你的需要。 所以,当你很年轻,有人照顾你了,有人一定会照顾你的时候你会很老。所以,谁是将在某些人的这种思想下决心照顾你? 这就是力量。 所以,你一直照顾?

Even when you are capable and strong, you must know that there is a power that takes care of you. So, if we just understand this, a great relaxation happens, and the insecurity in the mind goes away, all the fear goes away. Great relaxation, confidence, trust and everything comes. All that is needed in life just come up. So, when we were incapable, we were taken care of, and if we become incapable, we will be taken care of. Now also, we are taken care of and we should also do the same thing. We should also take care in whatever possible manner, wherever it is necessary. This is human life. 

大放松,信心,信任和一切来。所有这一切都需要在生活中刚冒出来。  所以,当我们无能,我们的照顾,如果我们成为无能,我们会照顾。 现在还照顾我们,我们也应做同样的事情。

Human life has two purposes. One is how much you take, and second is how much you give. So, what is that you can take in the world? You cannot take all the money out of this world. You may earn millions of dollars, but you will have to leave it here. It cannot go with you. The millions of dollars or euro you earn come to help to take care of your food, clothing, a little comfortable bed and room to sleep, and travel a bit here and there. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. 

人的生命有两个目的。一个是你需要多少,二是你给多少。 那么,什么是你可以在世界? 你不能把所有的钱离开这个世界。 你可以赚取了数百万美元,但是你将不得不离开这里。 它不能和你一起去。  美元或欧元的收入来帮助你照顾你的食物,衣服,舒适的床和一个小房间睡觉,和旅行有点在这里和那里数百万照顾。这就是一切。它不能带来幸福。

We should not expect money to bring us happiness. If we do it, we are not intelligent. If we think money is going to bring us happiness, it is like saying, “I can eat coins and get rid of my hunger”. You need an eatable to get out of your hunger, and not Euros or coins. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. You should not expect money to bring you happiness. You can buy an eatable with Euro, that is a different thing.

我们不应该指望钱给我们带来幸福 如果我们做到这一点,我们并不聪明。 如果我们认为钱是要为我们带来快乐,就好像是说:“我可以吃得到我的硬币和饥饿”赶走。 您需要一个食用走出你的饥饿,而不是欧元或硬币。 这就是一切。 它不能带来幸福。 你不应该指望钱给你们带来幸福。 你可以购买符合欧盟食用,这是两回事。

Ultimately, happiness cannot be bought by money. We must know this very well. So, get all this comfort in life. But what is it you should get? Comfort is a small thing. But what is it that you can take with you? What can go with you is knowledge. What gets imprinted in the consciousness is knowledge. So, how much knowledge have you gained? Knowledge is not what you read in a book, but it is awareness. How much awareness you have gained? How much broadness in your mind has come up? And in giving, how much love have you given back to the world.

归根结底,幸福是买不来的钱。 我们必须知道这一点非常好。所以,这一切在生活中得到安慰。 但是,什么是你应该得到什么呢? 舒适是一件小事。 但什么是它可以随身携带?有什么可以和你一起去就是知识。意识得到什么是知识的烙印。 因此,你有多少知识,取得了?  知识是不是你在读的书,但它是意识。  多少认识你已获得?在你的心中有多少广度上来?以及在多少爱你还给世界。
So, how much love have you given? 

And how much knowledge have you taken?
These are the only two things that will be asked, and that makes life more fruitful. So, we are all on the right track.  
这些是仅有的两个将要问的事情,这使生活更加富有成果。 所以,我们在正确的道路上。

Are you all happy? (A loud, 'Yes!') This is so nice and fortunate. We completed Guru Purnima few days back – 25 July. That was the day we celebrate the knowledge and the love together. Full moon is the symbol of love. It is lovely to walk in the full moon. Moon is very romantic. Isn’t it? So, knowledge is not dry. Knowledge is so romantic and so full of love. That is what we celebrated few days back – Guru Purnima. We thanked all the Masters of the tradition. From thousands of years, the tradition has kept this knowledge intact. So, everyone feels so grateful for the beautiful knowledge we have received in our lives.

你们大家都开心吗? (一大声,是啊!'),这是如此美好和幸运。 我们完成了GURU Purnima  - 7月25日。 这是庆祝的一天,我们的知识和爱一起。满月是爱情的象征。 .这是可爱的走在满月。 月球是很浪漫。是不是? 因此,知识是没有干燥的。 知识是如此浪漫,如此富有爱心的。这是我们庆祝-Guru Purnima。 我们感谢所有美国的传统大师。 从几千年来,这个传统一直保持完整的知识。 所以,大家都觉得如此美丽的知识,我们已经在我们的生活得到感谢。

That is the celebration when you feel so grateful for something that is so life transforming, something that is so important for our life to be uplifted. We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge.
这是值得庆祝的, 当你觉得感激和感谢一些东西是这样的生活改变,一些为我们的生活是如此重要的是振奋感谢。 优雅的生活,我们感到更更多的恩典流入我们的生命。 更多的感激和感谢意味着更多的恩典。 更多的恩典意味着更多的快乐,更多的知识


The Man who can cook! everyone can cook! inspired by Ratatouille

every one can cook!

cooking in japan is also a type of Meditation. 
the hand and mind work together to create a piece of art which can be tasted.

our seva Ronald CW Tan  is the MAN who can cook! 
thanks for your lovely vegan pao! yummy! 
( must really promote your effort!) 
Jai Guru Dev

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Alor Setar center - new HOME - Full HOUSE 2nd Aug 2010

Dear Ones, 

wow! it has been a wonderful gathering for Sudarshan kriya group practice this week along with the Basic course in Progress. 

FULL house. 100 pax and can fit 10 more if everyone sit closer. and the office can accommodate 5 more. and the toilet... ( hahahah ) 

JAi Guru Dev. 
there is something underneath our breath... 
come and learn about the knowledge and wisdom 