「淨化呼吸法」由古儒吉大師所創始,其梵文為Sudarshan Kriya,意指透過淨化的行為對自我帶來正確的認知。生活的藝術 淨化呼吸法課程主要教導 這深種奧獨特又簡單易學的呼吸技術。
藉著淨化呼吸法我們能由最外到最內的韻律達到和諧,短時間內身體細胞活化、排除累積的毒素,增強 自體免疫與自我療癒能力。身心獲得安定與和諧,尤其對排除各種負面情緒障礙有卓越的的功效。學習過的人均深觸內在源頭,他們獲得了開啟生命寶藏的鑰匙—— 活在當下,愛、喜悅、和諧、自由與圓滿...等美妙覺受的體驗自然湧現於日常生活中。
由多方研究證明生活的藝術呼吸技術確實有的良好效 果:
◆ 人際關係更和睦愉快
◆ 工作上成就更高
◆ 群體意識的落實
◆ 精神生活更富裕與圓滿
數 以百萬計的人因為生活藝術的課程與淨化呼吸法而受益無窮:
◆ 消除緊張與壓力〈可降低有壓力荷爾蒙之稱的可體松〉
◆ 睡眠品質安穩〈促進神經系統的平衡與放鬆〉
◆ 提高專注力、記憶力與創造力
◆ 改善健康,心情平和愉悅
〈增加EEG 的阿爾法波,以及有幸福荷爾蒙之稱的激乳素〉
◆ 穩定情緒、剷除恐懼、抑鬱、焦慮等負面情緒
◆ 開發潛能,帶出活力、自信、熱忱、喜悅等全新感受
Date : 1 / 8 -6/8 2010
Venue : Alor Star . ART OF LIVING CENTRE
The Art of Living Course is designed to give you the tools to get the most out of your life, greater success, better health and peace of mind.
* Breathing techniques to eliminate stress and tension
* Skills to improve relationships at home and at work
* Tools to handle your mind and negative emotions
* Ways to easy stress relief and enhance all aspects of your life
Participants learn :
* Heal and harmonize the body, mind and spirit
* Skills to handle the mind and negative emotions
* Practical wisdom to improve relationships
Sudarshan Kriya
The cornerstone of the course is the Sudarshan Kriya, a unique and powerful breathing process. Using specific rhythms of the breath to return the body, mind and emotions to their natural rhythm and balance, it eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions, leaving you calm yet energised, focused yet relaxed. The Art of Living Course is designed to give you the tools to get the most out of your life, greater success, better health and peace of mind.
To date, more than 55 million people benefited from it and it presents in 150 countries all over the world. Today, Why Not You?
* Breathing techniques to eliminate stress and tension
* Skills to improve relationships at home and at work
* Tools to handle your mind and negative emotions
* Ways to easy stress relief and enhance all aspects of your life
Participants learn :
* Heal and harmonize the body, mind and spirit
* Skills to handle the mind and negative emotions
* Practical wisdom to improve relationships
Sudarshan Kriya
The cornerstone of the course is the Sudarshan Kriya, a unique and powerful breathing process. Using specific rhythms of the breath to return the body, mind and emotions to their natural rhythm and balance, it eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions, leaving you calm yet energised, focused yet relaxed. The Art of Living Course is designed to give you the tools to get the most out of your life, greater success, better health and peace of mind.
To date, more than 55 million people benefited from it and it presents in 150 countries all over the world. Today, Why Not You?
visit http://artofliving. org .
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