Wednesday, September 7, 2011

ZY's sixth Advance Course sharing-only for those who dare... on

Introducing Balvinder Chandiok, my most favourite advance course teacher, who guided me, from being sadly confused, to staying happily confused.
This inspirational quote is stolen from Balvinder Chandiok's blog
Before I even met him, Balvinder already knew my problem. I am definitely not alone. Who cares if nobody understands me? The problem is, I don't know what's my problem!
We live in the best times, and we grow up KNOWING that we are smart; we believe in our own self; we KNOW that if we could master our own mind; we could concur the whole world; we KNOW what is good  for us and what is, that is our main and biggest problem! We KNOW too much! OK, maybe it is just me: I KNOW too much!

My brain is literally swimming with all these virtues such as accepting people as they are, letting go of the past and living in the present moment, don't see intention behind other's mistakes, opposite values are complementary... I already KNOW this, any idiot who dare come and repeat these words to me will be in deep trouble!  It came to a point that  I felt so overwhelmed by all these knowledge points that I just felt like throwing up and forgetting about all these superficial words. But how?

I don't know! I'm stuck.

So, I signed up for an advance course. 

Finally, I found someone that explains course points in such a subtle way that my heart literally blossom with just a few simple words, and of course, followed by a few blank out sessions (meditation, what else?) And thank god he has so much depth in him that he explains course points in his own cool and humorous way, instead of repeating after Guruji (what a breath of fresh air!)

Most people would gush to me, you are so lucky, you have a flexible job (no stress at all), you have the time and money to do what you want... (They fall short of literally shouting at my face: BE CONTENT!) Yeah,  yeah, you think I don't KNOW that?

Now here's what I learn about contentment from Balvinder:
Contentment is looking at your own wife instead of your neighbour's wife.
(If you are not already laughing, you must go to his advance course and listen to him speak in person. He got me rolling with this one!)

Accepting people as they are
He says,'The key to accept people as they are, is to accept yourself!'
Oh my God! Such depth!
(If you haven't accept people as they are as yet, sign up for his advance course and listen to him speak in person.)

At the end of his course I felt 'Yes!This is just the beginning'  instead of the usual 'Enough!This is the end of it!' feeling from all my previous advance courses. (Though you might notice that my ego will prevent me from admitting that) Of course, just like no fingerprint is the same, there is no same experience in our spiritual journey. You must have noticed that we never experience the same feeling in our meditations too!

For the rest of the story, it is for you to take action and write your own wonderful experience. Sometimes we keep searching for something outside when we already have everything within us which is crying for our attention. Spiritual journey is full of obstacles but put in your courage and valour, and you will realise one fine day, that 'Hey!This is it!'

By the way, if you are still wondering whether I understand myself more after the course, I am still as confused as before. But, as Balvinder happily told us,'I am confused too!' See...have I mentioned I just love this guy? 

Here's to wishing everyone a wonderful journey!

Writing from the depths of my heart

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